foundational concepts for midwives


Our desire is to offer to birthworkers, a deeper understanding of the physiology and hormonal processes of normal reproduction, as well as a deep trust in their own unique individualized intuition in their own practice. We have come to realize that most current training in midwifery is deeply enmeshed in the obstetrical model that pregnancy and birth are pathology with the constant fear of 'what can go wrong'. It is our hope to bring the wisdom of our fore mothers back to the foundation of our birthing culture. We believe the foundational concepts used for this training can open a deeper understanding that will enable you to develop confidence in your intuition and embodied knowledge, no matter where this journey takes you
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meet the mentors

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We balance the foundational framework for each course we create with a carefully curated curriculum that is flexible to meet each host and their community’s needs and resources. Our core value of building a strong community through relationships is paramount. This is woven into each aspect of our workshops. Without building strong villages between birth workers and in turn, the families they serve, the art of midwifery cannot be the strong intuitive community tool it was always meant to be. As we bring our workshops all over the nation, our overall goal is to build a community through mentorship  with those who attend our workshops and desire further connection and wisdom.


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