Experience a fulfilling weekend with a blend of intellectual growth, enjoyment, and community. Explore the tabs below to see what activities could be part of your weekend. 

We collaborate with you as a host to tailor a flawless weekend for your group. 


Section One: Understand Normal- How reproduction works and why

  1. Priorities of female brain development
  2. Hormone changes of the menstrual cycle
  3. Contraceptives
  4. Menopause
  5. Female Pelvic Anatomy
  6. Female Breast Anatomy

Section Two: When Things Go Out of Balance

  1. Infertility
  2. Amenorrhea
  3. Irregular Cycles
  4. Hirsutism
  5. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  6. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
  7. Endometriosis
  8. Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  9. Breast Disease

Section Three: Prenatal Care- What they do for themselves everyday and how we support them

  1. Determining a due date
  2. Taking a history - hearing their story
  3. Understand how to do a head-to-toe physical exam and what it means
  4. Routine prenatal visits
    1. Vitals, weight, urinalysis
    2. Fundal height
    3. Fetal heart tones
    4. Fetal positions (Leopold’s maneuvers)
    5. Labwork
    6. Ultrasound
  5. Placental anatomy and physiology
  6. First Trimester Complications
    1. Miscarriage
    2. Ectopic Pregnancy
    3. Hyperemesis Gravidarum
    4. Urinary Tract Infection/Vaginal Infection
    5. Chronic medical conditions
  7. Second Trimester Complications
    1. Gestational Diabetes
    2. Gestational Hypertension
    3. Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia
    4. HELLP Syndrome
  8. Third Trimester Complications
    1. Preterm Labor
    2. Placenta Previa
    3. Placenta Abruptio

Section Four: Childbirth and Lactation - The Wisdom of the Uterus; The Instincts of the Baby

  1. End of Pregnancy - The Birth Pause
  2. Stages of Labor
  3. Labor Support for Maternal Well Being
  4. Monitoring Fetal Well Being
  5. Normal Childbirth
    1. Cardinal Movements
    2. Optimal Cord Care
    3. Placenta and Immediate Postpartum
    4. Establishing Lactation
  6. Labor Complications/Variations
    1. Variations
      1. Posterior positions
      2. Asynclitic/deflexed fetal head
      3. Breech
      4. Twins
    2. Maternal Exhaustion
  7. Obstetrical Emergencies - Preparation and Team Work
    1. Fetal Distress
    2. Cord Prolapse
    3. Shoulder Dystocia
    4. Postpartum Hemorrhage
  8. Surgical Birth – Reasons, Risks, Recovery
  9. Neonatal Resuscitation - the priorities of becoming an air breather
  10. Perineal Assessment and Repair
  11. Postpartum Care and Successful Lactation

Section Five: Neoplasms and Infections - Facing our Fears

  1. Cysts and Polyps
  2. Vaginal Infections (not sexually transmitted)
  3. Sexually Transmitted Infections
  4. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Toxic Shock
  5. Fibroids
  6. Reproductive Tract Cancers
  7. Breast Cancers


  1. Mannequins –
  2. Gestational wheels (for EDD)
  3. Blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes
  4. Urinalysis strips
  5. Measuring tapes
  6. Scales – adult and baby
  7. Fetoscopes/pinards/dopplers
  8. Basic lab supplies (for drawing blood and doing vaginal cultures)
  9. Access to the ultrasound class (I like to teach palpation while being able to also “see” what you are feeling with ultrasound – we need pregnant volunteers)
  10. Basic birth supplies, like chux pads, sterile and non-sterile gloves
  11. Umbilical cord cutting and clamping options (metal, plastic, etc) 12. Suturing materials??